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[Sticky] What is Diet Culture and Diet Mentality?

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Katcha IEing since 2007
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The Intuitive Eating first editions included a term – Diet Mentality – to help people see how they have are effected by restrictive eating. This term included all the effects and their origins.


In time the term - Diet Culture – has appeared referring to origins that come from the human world we live in. Influence of others’ opinions in forms of direct verbal input,


Looks like you have gained weight?”

I’m going to get fat.”

Its not healthy to eat this or be too heavy.”

That food is not healthy.”

No one will like/love me if I am not thin and beautiful.”


Plus media reinforcement in thinner images and bombardment of diet messages.

The result of these messages have been INternalized - into Diet Mentality - by individuals so that they come to believe,


I am fat. I must constantly endeavor to be thin/thinner.”

I can not trust my body. (which will eat uncontrollably)”

I will never be liked/loved if I am not the ideal that everyone else expects.”

My body is flawed. I must force it to become what IS acceptable and desired.”


The Intuitive Eating process has been developed over time and experience working with people caught up in their own Diet Mentality. Releasing those INternal beliefs is a major part of the initial process. This begins with each person identifying their own mental assumptions (aka beliefs) and dieting type habits. The next step is to recognize the EXternal sources that reinforce those beliefs and practices. So when one views a well crafted ‘thin’ image advertisement and a thought of “I’m not thin enough.” comes to mind, that person is able to catch that thought and say to one’s self “That’s diet mentality!” As one begins to break the reflex to respond to such triggers, reconnecting to genuine and self/body honoring responses can form and take hold.


We will continue to live in a world that is Diet Culture in nature. After all, this is big $$$ for those who sell related products and services! But each person can choose whether or not one wishes to live in a state of Diet Mentality. That state of being is one of constant self doubt and torture in the forms of restrictive eating, manic exercise and attempting to please people but never one’s self. Life is too short and unpleasant enough. I choose personal freedom and contentment. Thank you Intuitive Eating or helping me to gift that to and for myself.

Lotus reacted
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Wow, I’ve been practicing IE for some time but needed to hear this. It’s amazing how we forget the simple things, where it all started, the things we learned in the beginning that were so easy to understand but so hard to implement because of the brainwashing. ❤️ 

MLC reacted
Katcha IEing since 2007
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Whenever I feel frustrated or lost, I try to focus on the 'basics', I remind myself of the old Chinese saying - That a journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single footstep. The basis help me return my thoughts and efforts back to what really works as well as what will help me the most.

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