Ok…. I can do this. Dieting has never helped me in the past. I can toss them!!
Intuitive Eating has taken a bit to shift my brain but I can see it taking hold.
Im surprised about how relieved I feel. I don’t feel superficial excitement but I also don’t feel overwhelming stress. I just feel at peace.
Not sure if anyone else gets what I am saying but I am confident in my journey to being healthier and happier (at whatever weight I may be or end up at). Focus is on energy and feeling better!
It would seem to me that removing 'dieting' from your life ought to be a relief! After all, dieting tells you YOU are 'flawed' and MUST do this and that. Realizing that YOU are OK just as you ARE has to be a very nice feeling. Weight is like a desirable object that is always elusive. Even if/when one obtains an 'ideal' weight you are then doomed to dance to ITS tune forever. Far better to live and enjoy YOUR life.
I just found Intuitive Eating and already I feel a burden has been lifted. I'm ready to weed out my cookbooks, magazines, etc., and move forward. Whew!
It's liberating when you're the one behind the narrative of your own life. Diet books and Dieting protocols are rules that have shown time and time again to be harmful and non-beneficial to those who follow them. To me, if you're doing something that makes you feel guilty, less than, or like you are constantly failing, then that's not the thing for you. Something that really supports your wellbeing should "feel good" most of the time.
For me IE has affirmed that my life is MINE to choose and live. Dieting is a DICTATING system who's aim is to TAKE from me! No wonder my dear body held onto all it could get a hold of.
Perhaps the best 'book' one could have and use is whatever notes YOU want to make of what eating pleases you best? Food is to be enjoyed and not made into the enemy - that is so anti-life ...
Bravo for letting misleading and false directions go OUT of your life 😀 .