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Starting Intuitive Eating

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Katcha IEing since 2007
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Joined: 3 months ago
Posts: 15
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The biggest hang up most experience when they choose to embrace Intuitive Eating is the fact that they are so pre-programed by Diet Culture the way IE is approached is from a dieting way. Diet Culture lays down rules and demands to food restrict as well as expectation that one will follow dieting's rules exactly and faithfully. Approaching Intuitive Eating this same way almost guarantees an inability to do IE.

Instead Intuitive Eating suggests (IE = no rules!) that each person begin an exploration of one's eating choices and habits. That effort is only a search for information, its not a succeed/fail undertaking. Doing that begins the process of reconnecting with one's body which results in choosing to honor that same body as it has always required.

Difficult as it can be - examining what one finds to be Diet Culture in your life - is a necessary and excellent basis for turning away from Diet Culture, then progressing towards reclaiming how one's body has  always wanted to be fed as well as is its eating birth right.
