Principle 1: Reject...
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Our Intuitive Eating Community (based on the book Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch) is a safe and nurturing place -- free from "diet talk", "fat talk", and body bashing. This forum is a 'work place' for IE Journeys - it is NOT set up to 'teach' what Intuitive Eating is.

  • • Reading the book is highly recommended as discussions do use and follow book terms and suggested practices.
  • • It's a place to get PEER inspiration & support for your Intuitive Eating journey.

It's free to join, but you will need to sign-up.  Elyse and Evelyn are dedicated to maintaining a 100% free membership. For the protection of the community, after minimum approved posts, members will be able to post independently,  edit their profile information, or message the moderator with community concerns. Content will always be monitored and is at the descretion of the moderator.

Principle 1: Reject Diet Culture

Principle 1: Reject Diet Culture

Reject Diet Culture Community

Throw out the diet books, food plans, and articles that offer you false hope that that food restriction or dieting by any name you call it will grant all of your wishes for a better life.  Rather than getting angry at yourself, get angry at the lies from diet culture have led you to feel as if you were a failure every time a new diet or food plan stopped working. If you allow even one small hope to linger that a new and better diet might be lurking around the corner, it will prevent you from being free to rediscover Intuitive Eating.
