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Refining one's food choices and diabetes mangement with Intuitive Eating

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Katcha IEing since 2007
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A big watch word for today's medical professionals seems to be diabetes. Sadly this dis-ease is increasing in people. With this concern, the knee jerk directions given include losing weight and dieting. I have no desire to diet nor a need to use weight as a misdirecting measurement of  my health. Instead I decided to turn my attention to discovering the facts about how MY body was indeed reacting to food that I chose to eat.

I had some time ago bought a blood glucose meter and used it to find that my blood glucose was within 'normal' ranges. I knew about a highly recommended book - Blood Sugar 101 - so bought and read that. It turned out that the #s determining 'normal' were not what was best for a healthy body! In fact the #s were only for the level at which one would be officially diagnosed 'diabetic' with organ damage already underway.

Because I as in the 'pre' stage of this disease, I decided to find out what I could do to prevent or at least put off and manage what could be required of me to do for dealing with such a condition. The Blood Sugar 101 book indicated that significantly decreasing carbohydrate intake could decrease insulin resistance (aka type 2 diabetes). I found and joined an online forum that discussed living with diabetes. There I found alternatives that I could choose from and in fact enjoy!

One by one I found, and have replaced high carbohydrate food choices with lower carb level foods. This has not only assisted lowering of blood glucose levels, but also helped my body to release excess 'reserves' (aka fat)! AND keep diabetes out of my life.

I had years back half joked that I wouldn't weigh myself until my pants fell off (lol). That has practically happened now. but my desire to know or honor such numbers has gone away. Instead I am happy to know that slowly I have chosen new (to me) foods that not only continue to satisfy me, but also assist my body in its health.

Wishing everyone the joys of Intuitive Eating.

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I have been instructed to do this as well. I would love to learn more about low carbohydrate choices I can make while still working within the intuitive eating framework

Katcha IEing since 2007
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Mamamarilyn I credit having good IE practices with enabling me to face down PRE-diabetes by making some different choices (aka lo-carb) that reduced my A1c from 6.5 to 5.5 in less than a year's time. IE showed me hat I didn't need to do lo-carb eating 100%, white knuckling all the way. Instead I gifted myself gentle patience and the time to slowly make meanigful changes that I could accept and incorporate into my daily life. I read a book titled Blood Sugar 101 and joined an online forum that not only provided me with hints and helpful insights, but also supported me as I made changes that helped me.

One of the biggest assistance I have had with finding what I could and what my body did NOT appreciate was using a CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitor). Happily Dexcom's does not require a Dr.'s prescription and is a great little device. 

All that said, don't let the lo-carb sidetrack you away from embracing IE for YOUR life.
