I'm a returning participant. And my how the format of this site has changed! It's different from before.
Anyway, I come from the idea that IE was always about "giving yourself permission to eat" and just eating whenever whatever no matter what. I thought it was "diet mentality" to limit anything or to stop eating or not eat for any reason. If I want chocolate when I'm not hungry or when I know it will make me feel not so great....not only can I still have it...I HAVE to have it!
Or so I thought....I'm realizing that perhaps some of my OCD or religious scrupulosity might have an affect on my eating. It's obviously a nightmare when it comes to diet culture. But I've also approached IE with OCD tendencies as well. "Still want to lose weight? That's diet mentality! Want to adhere mostly to your hunger and fullness cues? That's diet mentality! Want to take it easier with sugar to see if that helps me feel better and more energized? That's diet mentality!"
But no. I'm rereading the book and it sounds like I've been interpreting ANYTHING outside of a free-for-all as "diet mentality." Whereas it does appear to be more about biological hunger, fullness and satisfaction. Sometimes saying "no" to something yes, IS honoring my body. Just not from an external source.
I know I have permission. I have several previously forbidden foods in my house. And it's ironic. I don't want it as much anymore (then the OCD voice says, "but IE says you have to have it if you think about it!"). I'm finding that it's a let down now because part of the appeal before was the "forbidden" nature of it. Now I feel more in tune with how things FEEL with my body. This DOES involve a change in habit, and therefore it feels like a "diet." But in order to feel my best, perhaps it does need to feel that way for a while (and yes, I have some postural issues that necessitate needing to lose some weight...and I'd like to run again....but not through diet mentality, but through adhering to my body's signals).
Anyway, just thought I'd say "hi" and share part of where I am.
I have found that there is much 'making peace' in the iE process. Food is a usual starting place mainly because diet culture has hammered away at dictating which is 'good or bad'! That tripped me up until I switched over to instead determining if a food was 'body appreciated OR not'. In time most of my craves calmed down though I remain a chocolate lover!
Yes the forum format has changed, & sadly all the previous posts didn't get brought over when forum web site changed. Here are a few thoughts I saved about Diet Mentality from previous posts -
For me I think I had diet mentality haunting me for most of the first couple of years of my IE journey! As I came to see that diet mentality is like a deeply rooted weed that doesn't seem to be dug out on first few attempts, I was better able to switch over from black and white type of attitude (either have or don't) about diet mentality and realizes and accept that it will pop up into my life off and on. The difference is that now with time and practice I am much better able to 1) see it and 2) dismiss it!
My IE journey has not been a series of success stories at all. Its been more a wander towards an ultimate 'goal' (what I call my IE GPS point). If you can relate to what you would need to do to learn and master some lofty undertaking - Olympic sport, world class art, writing a novel or such - and apply the same applications/practices need to do those, you have an idea of what an IE journey really is.
Above all, getting that IE isn't about 'the food' or mastering the 'principles' but really more about returning and reclaiming yourself, trusting and honoring the person YOU are, then I bet you find that IE starts being easier and more fun - yes FUN! - too.
"Yes diet mentality is a sneaky, often just out of 'sight' and very determined creature! Its way too easy to say "I'm NOT going to allow any diet mentality in my life!", truly mean it but still be blind sided by it, usually at a most vulnerable and inconvenient time ;-) When I imagined diet mentality to be a WEED it became easier to visualize my being able to remove all the dandelions from my lawn but also know that then those fluffy little delicate looking seeds drift in on a breeze from neighbor's yards, Its time for me to get back to weeding MY own little corner of this world. Sure one can get angry with neighbors for not taking care of their yards or decide to eliminate dandelions from the face of the earth! But those efforts will be doomed to fail and drain you in the process. Far better to simply take pride in your own little being and hope that doing so could be an inspiration to others too."
The 'best' thing to 'do' about diet mentality is to #1 - KNOW WHAT IT IS - FOR YOU!! Here's a few things others have said about Diet Mentality -
Im starting to get the diet mentality ... and it is!, it is a mentality, a devotion, a focus, like a religion, like a mind set with its own rules to follow ... almost like a cult or something! It detaches me from my self, from God, from others!, it isolates me, it keeps me from living life, from taking care of myself, it has me imprisioned!, with no freedom to think about other things, or do, or be ... so true!
REJECT, not remove!!! I love this! I think it is important for me to remember that I don't have to be perfect (remove) with IE for it to make major changes in my life. Sometimes I have the all or none thinking. And that is dangerous! I also love the analogy with malaria. IE is the best medicine!