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[Sticky] HUNGER Levels and Types

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Katcha IEing since 2007
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As much as we would like to believe that hunger is only one thing - body driven food need - the reality is that there are other hungers. One can hunger for comfort, acceptance, social connection and probably any deep desire (emotional or physical).

Listening to a podcast with Evelyn Tribole her mention of primal hunger got me thinking about the different types of hunger. After reflection and thought the following is what I concluded.

Primal hunger is the deepest level of hunger our bodies experience. Its a physical need so strong that its an undeniable drive to EAT, allowing nothing else to matter until its satisfied. Primal hunger is a main factor in binge eating.

Longing type hunger mainly comes from deprivation. Its driven mostly by emotional and/or denied reasons. Elements of (self) worth is usually involved - one feels s/he needs to 'earn' the right to eat. Last supper type eating often is a reaction to this.

Comfort hunger is purely an emotional driven one. The food eaten isn't really important so much as the relief sought by one's body and/or mind.

Satisfaction hunger is driven by a need to be free of need/wants. Peace of mind and/or body is what is sought. Food can quell this hunger, but often the actual need is not a food one.

There is a hierarchy for these beginning with Primal hunger, which dominates over all others. As that is taken care of, the others can be dealt with, usually in the same order or hierarchy as presented though some may present themselves stronger than others to individuals.

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This is my first time posting here. I am just starting to read Intuitive Eating. I am excited to be part of a community who is exploring eating intuitively. Most of the support groups I have attended are not addressing this very important part of recovery. 

I am just trying to learn to listen more to my body. For hunger/fullness, emotions, my heartbeat, listening heartbeat. Do I need to rest, do I need to move my body. 

Currently I am still tying to figure out, "Am I doing this right?" I am having to listen to my body and its cues as opposed to what I am "supposed to eat". I am working with a dietician. She is incredible. For most of my life I have always felt full. But what have I been full of? Exploring this is helping me to see it isn't always food. It is so much more. And walking free from the rules and the demands of the eating disorder has been nothing short of miraculous. Amazing. I am living for the first time in such a long time. 

I am looking forward to reading others experiences with intuitive eating. 


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Good morning,

This is my first time posting here. I've read a lot about intermetent fasting. My main issues are that I live alone and I recently loss th love of my  life. So I started eating whenever! I have high blood pressure and over a year ago, had a stent put in. Wow! That blew me away! Losing people you loved in your life is very stressful. But, I am slowing learning to cope by joining senior group activities in my home town. 

But even then, there are times that I eat when ever!

I try to walk ever day and meet up with friends now and again. But sometimes the days just get too long!

So here I am! Looking forward to some positive energy......learning to love myself again!

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Posted by: Julie

walking free from the rules and the demands of the eating disorder has been nothing short of miraculous. Amazing. I am living for the first time in such a long time.

I totally get this, I feel like a different person. I was in a metaphorical prison for 19 years but really my whole life. I love hearing how much IE has changed other people’s lives too.
