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[Sticky] Health is the goal!

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Katcha IEing since 2007
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Joined: 3 months ago
Posts: 15
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Because I know how challenging it is to embrace Intuitive Eating, I will share that the biggest step anyone can make on their IE journeys is to keep putting one step right after the last one. Its not about committing nor white knuckle efforts, but instead baby steps that lead one away from Diet Culture's iron grip on your life.

A very wise member here made use of this 'formula' - she gifted herself one month of IE effort for each year that she had dieted. In her case that = 24 months. However she, and others as well, have found that by the third to sixth month, they had already gained enough IE in their daily lives to not need to return to dieting. How did these people 'get IE'? They worked their IE journeys by posting here, sharing their frustrations and baby steps among fellow non-dieters who are likewise in the process of reclaiming their birth right to eat and live in the body they have.

Yes, some will and can go this process 'solo', but consider that dieting sets one up to be 'alone' (and at fault!), why not change that pattern by enjoying the company of others who are making their lives better. SO POST often and from your heart. ❤️

Best wishes for a wonderful IE journey. 🥰

Louann1977 and Sera reacted