Wendy Wright
Title: LMFT, CEDS-S, Financial Therapist
Company: Wendy Wright Counseling and Consulting

Phone: 7202988944
323 S Pearl Street
Denver, Colorado, 80209
United States
Wendy Wright, LMFT, CEDS, CIEC, Financial Therapist, is a psychotherapist and consultant based in Denver, CO. She has over 19 years experience in counseling those with eating disorders/disordered eating and those who love them. She is a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist [CEDS], CEDS Supervisor, and a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor [CIEC]. She can help you decode the underlying meanings and functions of food, body and exercise thoughts. Wendy also offers financial counseling and helps you name the blocks that get in the way of your best financial life. In her early career she was a mortgage loan officer, and then later became a counselor. She applies the same blend of curiosity and support around your money life as she does around your food story to implement change. She offers a webinar, The Intersection of Money and Milkshakes, that talks more of this powerful connection. Wendy has been featured on EDMatters Podcast, in March 2019, and published in The Elephant Journal, in November 2018. When she is not helping others find freedom in their relationships with food and finances, she is likely on her yoga mat, the ski slope, or a hiking trail! You can find her at wendywrightcounseling.com, for in office and virtual sessions and groups.
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