Trina Hill
Title: RDN, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor
Company: Tapestry Wellness Institute LLC
Phone: 803-922-6847
Fax: 803-849-1341
425 Summit Terrace Ct Bldg-4
Columbia , South Carolina, 29229
United States
My mission as a Registered Dietitian is to guide and help people weave a tapestry of wellness by building habits and skills to achieve goals despite imperfect practice. As we begin to learn more about our individual health through nutrition and exercise, our efforts to change may seem ineffective and imperfect because we are learning. I established Tapestry Wellness as an institute of learning and advocacy for better access and knowledge to enhance active adult living with medical nutrition therapy. Wellness is a journey like weaving a tapestry using different fabrics, colors, and materials. Tapestries are unique- just like you! No two tapestries are exactly alike, and neither are the stories each tapestry is woven to tell. To change, we must get out of our comfort zones and get comfortable with moving forward with new perspectives. I hope to empower my clients with the courage to embrace their bodies, face health challenges and medical conditions to live victoriously!
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