Shawna Melbourn
Title: Registered Dietitian, CEDRD, CIEC
Company: Anchor Psychological Services
Phone: 613-722-7373
1308 A Wellington Street West
Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y 3B2
Shawna Melbourn is a Registered Dietitian (RD), a Certified Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian (CEDRD) with the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals (IAEDP) and is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. Shawna is committed to working closely with individuals and families affected by eating disorders, disordered eating and other eating challenges to navigate the sea of nutritional trends and gain confidence with eating and nutrition. Over her fifteen years of practice, Shawna has worked in a variety of settings including being the treatment team dietitian for the Eating Disorder Program at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario. Shawna is a non-diet dietitian and adopts strategies from all her areas of nutrition expertise to help clients find freedom from eating disorders, body image and the backlash of chronic dieting. Shawna offers a well-rounded approach to eating disorder treatment. She has presented at national conferences, schools, and universities about nutrition therapy for eating disorders, body image, Intuitive Eating practices, and finding peace with food. She graduated from Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Nova Scotia with a degree in Applied Human Nutrition in 2005 and has since been member of Dietitians of Canada and the College of Dietitians of Ontario. Shawna is also a proud member of IAEDP, EDAC and IFEDD.
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