Sara Szatkowski
Title: Sara Szatkowski, RD
Company: Go With Your Gut Nutrition, LLC
Phone: 248-720-9948
Ferndale, Michigan, 48220
United States
Hi there! I’m glad you found us here and are exploring the path to healing. It takes a lot of strength to get to the point of realizing that you need help in recovery and we are here to support you. My name is Sara Szatkowski. I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor specializing in working with eating disorders, disordered eating and body image issues from a HAESⓇ approach. I am very passionate about helping people make peace with food and their bodies in order to live a more balanced life- physically, mentally and emotionally. Diet culture and oftentimes trauma can trigger us to believe that the only way we can feel good about our bodies is if we reach the ‘thin ideal’. But really, the need to control our bodies brings us farther away from being able to hear our bodies natural cues that are trying to tell us what we need. I’m here to help you break down food rules, find attunement with your body again and feel good about the skin you’re in! And work to find what foods make you feel good in your body and what healthy eating means for you :) I am also a Registered Yoga Teacher 200 hour and incorporate yoga and mindfulness into my work when it feels right. This work can help to see just how knowledgeable our bodies really are! I offer visits in person in Birmingham, MI or virtually for anyone in Michigan. I hope you go with your gut and commit to making changes that will transform your life for the better!
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