Sarah Grant
Title: Registerd Nutritional Therapy Practitioner & Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor
Company: Gut Reaction
Phone: +44 (0) 203 488 0890
Online consultations available wherever you are.
The Old Stables, Burmington
Shipston on Stour, CV36 5AG
United Kingdom
Looking to reduce stress around food, reset your eating habits, and improve your body confidence? I can help you deal with issues relating to emotional eating, yoyo dieting and weight cycling, low energy, digestive symptoms and gut-related health concerns, or other anxieties related to food, mood and eating that are impacting your health and wellbeing. I am a BANT Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (DipNut, mBANT, rCNHC) and Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor with more than ten years' experience helping people make lasting changes to how they relate to food, what they choose to eat, and how they care for their bodies. I am passionate about helping people to reconnect with their health in authentic, sustainable ways that support physical and emotional wellbeing, energy and esteem - free of diet culture, restrictive food rules and nutritional overwhelm.
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