Leehe Finer
Title: LMHC
Company: Wise Mind Wellness

Phone: (954) 477-7053
Boca Raton, Florida, 33431
United States
Specialized therapies for individuals, couples, and families for the healing you deserve. I am a licensed mental health counselor, working with adults and adolescents. I treat a broad spectrum of diagnoses and struggles, such as mood disorders, anxiety, personality disorders, addiction, and life transitions. I specialize in DBT, EMDR trauma therapy, and Intuitive Eating therapy. I carefully attend to each client by implementing interventions that are uniquely targeted for his or her goals. I am bilingual in English and Hebrew, and provide services to clients seeking treatment in both languages. I am based in Palm Beach County, Florida. However, I am happy to provide services to people in need across the state of Florida via telehealth."
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