Jessica Drummond
Title: Registered Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator
Company: Jess Drummond Nutrition
Phone: 5199492520
90 Trinity St
Toronto, Ontario, M5A 0E4
Welcome, friends! I’m Jess. An anti-diet dietitian with a passion for people and food. That's right, anti-diet! I LOVE food I wholeheartedly believe that healing your relationship with food can help you live a happier, more fulfilling life. I'm a Toronto-based Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. I received my undergraduate degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from Western University and completed my dietetic internship at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine. I practice from a Health at Every Size perspective, which means I focus on health supporting behaviors, not body size or weight. After years as a dietitian trying to help clients lose weight, I finally realized that dieting doesn't work and there is no sustainable way to lose weight. In fact, countless studies have concluded that dieting fails 95% of the time. But here’s the thing: you do not need to lose weight to be healthier! Bodies can be healthy at ANY size and deserve respect always. I work with clients to help cultivate a healthy relationship with food, movement, and body. To pursue health-supporting behaviors because they feel good not because you’re on some diet plan, you ‘need to lose weight’, or because you 'should'. Using an Intuitive Eating framework, I’ll help you explore the alternative to constant dieting, weight loss cycles, and worry about food and your body. As an Intuitive Eater, you’ll take back your social life, improve your mental health, and create more space in your mind to focus on your passions. Cheers to food freedom!
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