Amelia Perri
Title: Registered Psychotherapist
Company: Therapy Heals Psychotherapy and Counselling Services
Phone: 9059364747
6672 3rd Line, Unit C2
2nd Location in Maple, Ontario, L6A 1C6
Tottenham, Ontario, L0G1W0
Amelia established Therapy Heals Psychotherapy and Counselling services in 2007 to offer high quality counselling services. She is a Registered Psychotherapist in the province of Ontario, Canada. Amelia works with a wide variety of problems, including but not limited to, disordered eating, self-esteem, addictions, depression, anxiety, relationship problems, grief, anger management, emotion regulation, stress management and more. She uses intuitive eating guidelines in her work with disordered eating and emotional eating problems. Please visit for more information.
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