Hannah Goodman

Title: Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Company: Hannah Goodman LMHC, MEd, LLC
Hannah Goodman
Phone: 4013050887
310 Maple Ave #L06a
Barrington, Rhode Island, 02806
United States

Hannah Goodman is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Barrington, RI. She specializes in anxiety, including panic disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and worry. Another specialty is eating disorders and related issues (disordered eating and body image issues). She also has expertise in depression, adolescent issues, life transitions, couples counseling, and family counseling. Humor, laughter, and compassion are integral components to her practice. Hannah draws from her previous work as an English teacher, writing coach, and college counselor to help individuals cope with the stressors that come with school and academic life. Hannah sees teenagers, young adults, college students, adults, couples, families, parents, and seniors. She utilizes Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, mindfulness practices, and motivational interviewing.
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