Emma D'Arpino
Title: Registered Dietitian Nutrition Therapist
Company: peace.love.food Nutrition Counseling

Phone: 6174316605
Fax: 6174836204
1280 Centre Street Suite 210B
Newton, Massachusetts, 02459
United States
Emma D'Arpino, RD, LDN is a registered dietitian who is on a mission to recreate society's definition of health and nutrition. D'Arpino currently works within a group private practice located in Newton Centre, MA right outside of Boston. Our approach is rooted in HAES and Intuitive Eating. While leading her clients with kindness, ease, and happiness Emma views herself as someone who takes a passenger seat on her client’s journey firmly rooted in Health At Every Size principles. As such, she provides the directions and tools that lead her clients to the best possible version of themselves. Whether it’s decreasing stress at the grocery store, a restaurant or their own kitchen, Emma is an ally when it comes to helping clients heal their relationship with food, their bodies, and their overall selves. In her free time, Emma practices photography and hangs out with her sassy French Bulldog.
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