Emily Weeks
Title: Registered Dietitian
Company: Zen and Spice Nutrition, LLC
Phone: 4699527715
Wylie, Texas, 75098
United States
Emily Weeks, RDN, LD is a nutrition and culinary communications expert based in Dallas, Texas. Emily believes the path to a nourished, happy life is to develop a healthy relationship with food, our minds and our bodies. By cooking more at home, eating and moving intuitively, we can achieve peace of mind and be happy in the here and now. Follow along for delicious, easy recipes and simple strategies to learn how to become comfortable in the kitchen and embrace mindfulness. She has been featured on Cosmopolitan, Buzzfeed, and The Huffington Post, and recently won the Texas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2016 Media Award. Emily partners with like-minded food brands and organizations on recipe development, food photography, nutrition communications and media spokesperson work. She is often sought after for her recipe development skills and food photography, and has won several recipe competitions and blog awards. Emily graduated with honors from Texas Woman’s University with a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and completed her dietetic internship at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. She lives in Wylie, Texas with her husband and daughter.
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