Ela Law

Title: Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor MSc Public Health Nutrition ANutr (PHN)
Company: Ela Law Nutrition
Phone: 0044 -7779 - 245240
Sevenoaks, United Kingdom

As a Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor Ela works with clients in person (Sevenoaks, Kent, UK) or remotely (video or phone call - this can be from anywhere in the world). She works with people from all age groups - she is a baby-led weaning expert and family feeding consultant and passionate about raising intuitive eaters. Working with adults, her aim is to support her clients to gain life-long tools to develop a more peaceful relationship with food and their bodies and to enjoy life. Ela includes mindfulness and meditation techniques in her sessions. She runs a regular intuitive eating course and is available for workshop and talk bookings Ela has a BSc in Psychology and an MSc in Public Health Nutrition.
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