Dianna Reilly
Title: MS, RDN
Company: Dianna Reilly Nutrition
Phone: 424-501-5265
Fax: (310) 496-2558
Santa Monica
Santa Monica, California, 90403
United States
Dianna is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) with 10 years experience, holding a Masters Degree in Nutrition Education from Columbia University. Dianna has been specializing in eating disorder recovery for the past 5 years using the Intuitive Eating approach. Dianna also enjoys working with individuals who wish to find a peaceful relationship with food through Intuitive Eating and a Health At Every Size approach. She is passionate about helping people overcome harmful dieting messages and grow to trust and respect their bodies again. Intuitive Eating and yoga practice played a large role in helping Dianna overcome her own eating disorder and her mission is to help others do the same. In her free time Dianna loves being outdoors, cooking, and spending time with her family. Dianna is excited to begin seeing clients with Cigna and Aetna insurance!
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