Brittany (D.) Hewitt
Title: Therapist
Company: Heal ATL Counseling & Wellness
Phone: 833-432-5285 ext. 1
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Brittany is an Intuitive Eating Counselor and psychotherapist in Atlanta specializing in helping women who struggle with binge eating, body image, anxiety, and depression. Her approach applies the principles of Intuitive Eating in a way that is customized to each individual client's strengths and needs. Brittany believes in an anti-diet and Health at Every Size approach that allows her clients to finally have a peaceful and pleasant relationship with food. Other treatment specialties include neurodivergence (ADHD and late-diagnosed autism spectrum) which often can co-occur with binge eating and depression/anxiety in women. Also offer ketamine-assisted psychotherapy which has been found to be very helpful with eating disorders!
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