Breanne Failor
Title: Anti-Diet Yoga Teacher
Company: Anti-Diet Yoga
Phone: 917-880-2257
St. John, Indiana, 46373
United States
Breanne Failor is the founder of Anti-Diet Yoga. She has her 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification and has her Lay Facilitator Intuitive Eating Certification. Breanne's goal is to create yoga classes accessible to all bodies—giving you time and space to quiet your mind and connect to your body through movement and breath. Building a community where diet culture is left at the door, and you are perfect the way you are right now! All classes are on zoom and she also has recorded classes available on her website. She incorporates Intuitive Eating, body acceptance, and body-positive themes into her classes. All of her classes are for all levels of yoga practitioners; beginners are welcome and encouraged.
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