Bonnie Collier
Title: Individual Psychotherapist
Company: Bonnie Collier LCSW
Phone: (207) 619-1587
440 Forest Ave
Portland, Maine, 04101
United States
Bonnie is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Intuitive Eating counselor who has been working in Portland Maine since 2013. She attended Simmons College Graduate School of Social Work and has been trained to counsel individuals using a number of modalities, including psychodynamic therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and the liberation health model. More recently in private practice, Bonnie has narrowed her scope of practice to focus on the ties between mental health challenges and eating behaviors impacting functioning, including eating disorders. She follows a Health At Every Size framework and works with clients to improve the mind/body connection, increase attunement, and derive satisfaction from eating in spite of cultural norms impacting individual's ability to self regulate and connect with their bodies.
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