Ally Choo
Title: Registered Dietitian
Company: Body Respect Nutrition
Phone: 778-728-1494
Fax: 888-474-6572
Virtual - British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Hello! I'm Ally Choo, Registered Dietitian, Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor and founder of Body Respect Nutrition. I am passionate about supporting clients build body trust, heal their relationship with food, and live their preferred life. I practice from a weight, gender, and trans inclusive lens and practice from a Health At Every Size framework. This involves focusing on behaviours that support not only our physical well being, but our mental and emotional health as well. My approach is starting with what you're already doing and making small, gradual changes to build solid habits. While my practice focuses on helping you learn what to eat, we also spend a lot of time understanding how and why we eat, as this is where meaningful change happens. My areas of practice: Disordered Eating & Eating Disorders (AN, BN, ARFID, BED, OSFED) Intuitive Eating Plant based nutrition Digestive Health (including bloating, IBS, constipation, diarrhea, celiac disease, and other functional GI disorders) Meal planning and balanced eating Chronic disease (diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic pain, and more) Mental health nutrition (depression, anxiety, neurodivergency and more) I believe that change starts with one small decision. In my practice, I help my clients achieve their health and wellness goals by coaching them on how to form simple habits that will lead to lasting results. By combining the psychology of eating and behaviour change with the most up to date evidence-based nutrition information, I individualize my nutrition recommendations to fit my client’s unique (and often busy!) lifestyles. I pride myself in being a weight neutral practitioner and practice from a gender and trans inclusive lens. I believe that health is attainable at any weight, shape or size and includes mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. I focus on health gain rather than weight loss and find passion in helping my clients find food freedom. In my free time, you can find me hiking trails with my pup, performing at an open mic, trying new restaurants, or enjoying a yoga class.
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