Agnis Pena-Toro
Title: Psychotherapist and Coach
Company: Agnis J Pena Toro International
Phone: 6172300069
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02140
United States
I’m Agnis J Pena-Toro, M.A. I’m a trained psychotherapist and Body and Food Liberation coach and consultant, and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. My passion to support women liberating themselves from body image, food, weight and size limiting internal and external beliefs is not only professional but also personal. I was raised believing that it was normal to force my body to be a certain size, restrict foods, and exercise with the main goal of looking good and being better than others (because of my small size…sad truth!). Messages from culture, the media, Miss Venezuela/Miss Universe contests, and people around me confirmed all of these beliefs. For years and years my weight went up and down. The restrictions led to binging as a biological and psychological reaction to “starvation” AKA as dieting. I probably tried all the diets and exercise programs out there and felt very proud of it. After I had a moment of reckoning, I decided to divorce myself from dieting ( and diet culture), and the belief that I need to force my body to become thin or skinny to be healthy, worthy of love and attention, to look good, to be attractive, to be better than others, and be a better person. No more. Basta!
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