We are eager to spread the message of Intuitive Eating to help people make peace with food and create a healthy relationship with eating, mind and body. We get numerous requests from around the world from people who want to work with local health professionals and/or support groups. Therefore we created a standardized training and certification process to help assure a consistent message that promotes the intention and the integrity of the Intuitive Eating process.
Certification Types
There are two certifications categories—one for allied health professionals, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, which was created in 2007. The newest is the Certified Intuitive Eating Lay Facilitator.
Detailed information on how to become a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor or Lay Facilitator can be found here:
Download Requirements
Benefits of Becoming a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor
In our 3rd and 4th edition of Intuitive Eating, we encourage readers to work with health professionals who are Certified Intuitive Eating Counselors. Upon completion of the certification requirements you will receive the following:
1. Membership in the Certified Intuitive Eating Counselors Community
2. Listing in The Certified Intuitive Eating Counselors Directory on www.IntuitiveEating.org website . This directory is also mentioned in our book’s Resource Appendix.
3. Licensed Use of the Logo “Trained & Certified by the Original Intuitive Eating Pros “(for Certified Counselors, only). There is no fee for using our logo, but you will need to maintain supervision hours, which involves three supervision sessions every five years. The ability to use our logo will be renewed every five years upon completion of these three further sessions of supervision with either Evelyn or Elyse or both.
Apply to be a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor
Apply Here ►
FAQ’s Intuitive Eating PRO Skills Training Webinar & Certification
1. What professions qualify to become Certified Intuitive Eating Counselors?
To see if you qualify to be a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, please apply here https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HZD9XWJ
The following is a list of allied health professionals who qualify to become Certified Intuitive Eating Counselors. Allied health professionals include professions that require extensive training and knowledge, and usually possess a bachelor’s degree (or higher) in a health related field and credentialing or licensing in a health-related field. This may also include various wellness coaches, provided that their training organization is Level 2 (Formerly ACTP) accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF) .**
- Acupuncturists
- Allied Health Professionals
- Certified Personal Trainers*
- Certified Health/Wellness Coaches**
- Chiropractors
- Dentists
- Educators
- Health Educators
- Health related fields (holding a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in a health related field)—e.g. physical education, public health, nutrition, psychology, biology, physician assistants, dental hygienists, scientists, medical assistants, lab technicians, EMTs, etc.
- Life Science Professionals (such as biologist, geneticist)
- Marriage Family Counselors
- Midwives
- Naturopaths
- Nurses
- Pharmacists
- Physicians
- Psychiatrists
- Psychologists
- Psychotherapists
- Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Speech Therapists
- Registered Dietitian Nutritionists
- School Counselors
- Social Workers
- Yoga Therapists
*ACSM-certified and/or have Bachelor’s degree in a health related field
**Level 2 (Formerly ACTP) accredited by the ICF and/or have a Bachelor’s degree in a health related field. To see if your coaching certification meets ICF Level 2 (Formerly ACTP) accreditation, check their website: https://coachingfederation.org/
2. Do the certification requirements need to be completed in a certain order?
The Intuitive Eating PRO Skills Webinar must be completed prior to supervision, the Helm Self Study may be completed at any time.
3. Does the Intuitive Eating PRO Skills Webinar or Group Supervision count toward continuing education for registered dietitians ?
Intuitive Eating PRO Skills Webinar Series provides 7.5 hours for Activity code 171 Live Webinar/Teleseminar
Group Supervision Series provides 4.5 hours for Activity code 170 Live Lecture
Individual Supervision sessions do not provide any continuing education units
4. Is live attendance required for the Intuitive Eating PRO Skills Webinar?
No, Evelyn records each session for people unable to attend at the scheduled time. The recordings will be available a few hours after the live session concludes and can be accessed whenever is convenient for you.
5. How long does it take to complete all of the certification requirements?
It varies, the Helm Self Study Course is self paced. The Intuitive Eating Pro Skills Webinar is six 90 minute sessions (75 minutes of lecture following by a 15 minute Q&A session) over 6 weeks, group supervision is three 90 minute sessions over 3 weeks or if you choose individual sessions, they are three 45 minute sessions scheduled during Evelyn’s or Elyse’s office hours .
6. Where can I get more information on the Helm Publishing Self-Study Intuitive Eating Course & Exam?
Website: https://www.helmpublishing.com/intuitive-eating-4th-edition
Customer Service: 940-497-3558
For all questions about the Helm Publishing Self-Study Intuitive Eating Course and Exam please contact:
Email: service@HelmPublishing.com
7. Is there a time limit to complete all of the certification requirements?
No, there is no time limit.
8. How often are the webinar and supervision groups offered?
Evelyn does 3-4 webinars each year and 3-4 supervision groups each month
9. How do I access the workbook quiz?
If you completed the Helm Intuitive Eating 3rd Edition (2016) 37 CE Self-Study Course, please email: etriboleassistant@gmail.com
10. Do you offer group discounts, student discounts, military discounts, financial assistance or payment plans?
11. Where do I sign up for the next webinar or supervision group?
You can find the upcoming webinars and supervision groups here:
12. Do Lay Facilitators and Certified Counselors have to complete the same requirements?
Yes, as of January 1, 2018 see: Requirements
13. Can I become a Certified Counselor or Lay Facilitator if I don’t live in the United States?
Yes! We have certified counselors and lay facilitators all over the world https://www.intuitiveeating.org/certified-counselors/
14. How much does it cost to become a Certified Counselor or Lay Facilitator?
$1,310- $1,590 You can find a detailed price breakdown here Requirements
15. What is Supervision / Coaching?
In general, supervision focuses on increasing your competence and skill level, through a collaborative process. Having two minds digest the details of your situation provides insights that may have been missed without that collaboration. It’s a process driven by your own client cases and situations. The focus is to understand the Intuitive Eating dynamics and to deepen your knowledge about the process, in order to ultimately become more effective working with your clients.
Supervision groups are limited to 8 participants, each group session lasts 90 minutes and is done through Zoom.
Getting the Most Out of Supervision
In order to get the most out of this short series, please be prepared to discuss one to two cases, in which you could use some direction, feedback, insight and/or validation. It’s also okay to:
- Bring up a past case
- Discuss how a current case might be triggering for you around your own eating issues
- Discuss your own eating/body issues
It’s also okay if you don’t have any cases–just be prepared to ask questions about the cases presented; or general questions including starting a practice.